21 years of GMRT National Science Day

The largest science exhibition celebrated every year at GMRT, Khodad, Pune India


In the 21st century astronomy lies in the clear intersection of cutting edge technology and curiosity and perseverance of scientists. Here, you will find posters on Astronomy as a subject, ongoing research work at NCRA and how instruments and engineers have enabled astronomers to push boundaries of knowledge. Finally, the role of Professor Govind Swarup in establishing radio astronomy India is unparalleled of all.

General Astronomy

What lies beyond the sky?

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Science at NCRA & Facilities

The technology behind NCRA and the ongoing research.

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Prof. Govind Swarup

Prof. Govind Swarup - the founder of radio astronomy in India.

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Conversation with Astronomer

Conversation with Astronomer

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General Astronomy

Astronomy is a fascinating subject where we learn about the various facets of our vast Universe. Here you can find information about various aspects of astronomy covering what it is, how it is done and where it is done.

The Sun is the nearest star to us. Do we know well about our own star? Here are some interesting facts.
सूर्य हा आपल्यासाठी सर्वात जवळचा तारा आहे. आपल्या स्वतःच्या तारेबद्दल आपल्याला चांगले माहित आहे का? येथे काही मनोरंजक तथ्ये आहेत.
Exoplanets are planets outside our solar system. You will know about some examples of these exoplanets and their detection techniques.
The universe is full of mysterious objects. Here, we will know about an object which can be treated as the most accurate natural clock.
विश्व रहस्यमय वस्तूंनी भरलेले आहे. येथे, आपण एका वस्तूबद्दल जाणून घेऊ ज्याला सर्वात अचूक नैसर्गिक घड्याळ मानले जाऊ शकते.
Supernovae are massive and luminous explosions in the universe which mark the death of specific kinds of stars. Click on the poster to know more about these explosive phenomena.
सुपरनोव्हा हे विश्वातील प्रचंड आणि चमकदार स्फोट आहेत जे विशिष्ट प्रकारच्या तार्‍यांचा मृत्यू दर्शवतात. या स्फोटक घटनांबद्दल अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी पोस्टरवर क्लिक करा.
We are all excited to know about the black holes. Recently, astronomers managed to image a black hole. Want to take a look at how it was done?
आपल्याला माहित आहे की अनेक दीर्घिका, ज्या स्वतः 100 अब्ज तार्‍यांपासून बनलेल्या आहेत, त्या अधिक मोठ्या गुरुत्वाकर्षणाने बद्ध प्रणाली तयार करू शकतात? या दीर्घिका सुमारे या क्लस्टरचे वर्णन केले आहे.
Do we know that multiple galaxies, which are itself made up of 100 billons of stars, can form a more massive gravitationally bound system? This cluster of galaxies are described in this poster.

Science at NCRA & Facilities

While researchers from NCRA have a strong focus on using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) to explore the Universe, they use telescopes spanning across the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma-rays to radio waves and facilities located all over the world to pursue their science goals. Here are some posters with audio narration to give you a glimpse of the sciences we do at NCRA and the two major facilities it operates, the GMRT and the ORT.

This poster will brief all the different scientific aspects which are being pursued by the GMRT.
NCRA has an active research group in solar physics and related areas and tries to understand the Sun at radio wavelengths. This poster will give a glimpse of these interesting works.
Summary: A few fascinating results including new discoveries from the NCRA pulsar research group are mentioned in this poster.
NCRA has an excellent research group for studying galaxies. You will be fascinated to see the discoveries made by the NCRA researchers. This poster shows some of these wonderful examples.
Cosmology is the study to understand the origin and evolution of our universe. NCRA scientists are continuously putting their efforts to solve the mysteries of the universe both observationally and theoretically.

Science at NCRA & Facilities

While researchers from NCRA have a strong focus on using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) to explore the Universe, they use telescopes spanning across the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma-rays to radio waves and facilities located all over the world to pursue their science goals. Here are some posters with audio narration to give you a glimpse of the sciences we do at NCRA and the two major facilities it operates, the GMRT and the ORT.

NCRA is a leading Indian research institute in the field of radio astrophysics. You will get an overview of NCRA and its campaign from this poster.
Explore one of the world’s largest radio telescopes, GMRT.
जगातील सर्वात मोठ्या रेडिओ दुर्बिणींपैकी एक, GMRT एक्सप्लोर करा.
The Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) has been upgraded to achieve much higher sensitivities than previous. Let us know about that.
You will know about Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) from this poster which is also a NCRA facility.

Prof. Govind Swarup

Prof. Govind Swarup paved the path of radio astronomy in India, including setting up the observing facilities like the GMRT and the ORT. His journey as a pioneering radio astronomer is detailed in the posters.

Prof. Govind Swarup
Prof. Govind Swarup & GMRT

Conversation with Astronomer

Exclusive bytes from astronomers at NCRA-TIFR about their work, their motivation to pursue science and careers in astronomy.

General Astronomy

Astronomy is a fascinating subject where we learn about the various facets of our vast Universe. Here you can find information about various aspects of astronomy covering what it is, how it is done and where it is done.

Do you want to become an astronomer in the future? Here are some useful tips for you.
तुम्हाला भविष्यात खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ व्हायचे आहे का? तुमच्यासाठी या काही उपयुक्त टिप्स आहेत.
There are multiple astronomical observatories spreading across all over India. This map will help you to locate them.
You will be interested to know about astronomy research in India. This map will give information about various astronomy research institutes in India.
There are multiple astronomical observational facilities in India which are used worldwide. You will be introduced to some of these excellent observatories through this poster.
Indian Astronomy is strengthening its feet on space-based missions. Here is a glimpse of these future space-based observatories.
India is now being independent in terms of space research. Let us introduce about India’s first space observatory named ASTROSAT.
This poster will tell you about the current status and future of India’s role in big science projects.
SKA (Square Kilometre Array) is going to be the World’s largest radio telescope which will explore the unknown universe.

General Astronomy

Astronomy is a fascinating subject where we learn about the various facets of our vast Universe. Here you can find information about various aspects of astronomy covering what it is, how it is done and where it is done.

The Nobel Prizes, the most prestigious awards in the world, are awarded to eminent people for their contribution to the humankind. This poster presents all the Nobel Prize winners in astrophysics/astronomy/cosmology.
The poster lists a few eminent women in the field of astronomy.
Can we observe the things which are apparently invisible to our eyes? Yes, this poster will give a glimpse of different observable bands along with their wavelengths/frequency !!
You will be amazed to see what the universe looks like in various wavelength. This poster gives examples of telescopes observing at the different wavelengths.
Do you know how vast our universe is or how big astronomical objects can be? Just take a look at this poster to get an insight on where we stand in this large cosmos !!
“Dark matter” occupies a significant part of the universe, but don’t know whether they really exist or not. This poster will tell about how we knew about dark matter.
Do you know about the history of the discovery of the second most abundant element, Helium? You will be surprised to see that the discovery is connected with our own country, India.
हेलियमच्या शोधाचा इतिहास तुम्हाला माहीत आहे का? हा शोध आपल्याच देशाशी, भारताशी जोडलेला आहे हे पाहून तुम्हाला आश्चर्य वाटेल.
Everything in the solar system is made up of some sort of elements or compounds. Natural curiosity is how these elements come in the first place. This poster will answer.
Our earth is a member of “Solar System” family. This poster will inform you about other important members in this family.
The hundred billions of galaxies in our universe are classified according to their observed properties. This poster will give a few interesting examples of different galaxies.

About GMRT

The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope or the GMRT is the world's most sensitive radio telescope at its frequencies of operation and is used by astronomers from across the world. To explain the technology behind this wonderful instrument, the GMRT engineering team has put together a series of posters, each of them with a short audio explaining the poster.


How it works and the hi-tech engineering behind it.

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Videos about GMRT

Videos about GMRT and systems

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GMRT Engineering

The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope or the GMRT is the world's most sensitive radio telescope at its frequencies of operation and is used by astronomers from across the world. To explain the technology behind this wonderful instrument, the GMRT engineering team has put together a series of posters, many of them with short audio explaining the poster.

In this poster you will learn about the big 45 meter GMRT antennas.
This poster gives you a glimpse how the big 45 meter GMRT dishes are maintained to function smoothly.
For astronomical observations all big GMRT dishes must tract the astronomical sources with high precision. GMRT servo control do that and learn more about it here.
Frontend system is the first component of GMRT which receives the faint astronomical signals. Learn more about them in this poster.
Optical fibres have been used to transmit signals from all GMRT natennas to the central electronics building. You will get to know about the fibre optics system of GMRT through this poster.
GMRT backend system combine signal from all 30 antennas and make GMRT a single telescope. Learn more about how backend systems works in this poster.
Do you wonder how all these big 30 dishes of GMRT are controlled? You will be introduced to the GMRT control and monitering system through this poster.
Learn more about the the Tango based next generation monitor and control system.
Learn more about the the Tango based next generation monitor and control system.
या पोस्टरमध्ये तुम्हाला GMRT चा विद्युत पुरवठा नेहमी कसा राखला जातो हे कळेल.
In this poster you will get to know how the electrical power supply of GMRT is maintained all the times.
The upgraded GMRT has new sets of mechanical systems to improve the performance of GMRT. You will learn about them through this poster.

GMRT Online pScience Day 2024 - GMRT Videos

The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope or the GMRT is the world's most sensitive radio telescope at its frequencies of operation and is used by astronomers from across the world.

GMRT Control Room
Pulsar Observation Control Room

GMRT BLDC system
GMRT BLDC system - Marathi

gmrt  science day 2022

Trivia Quiz

We have put together some fun physics and astronomy questions through this quiz for you trivia geeks! Test your knowledge and learn something new with every question.

Click the "Start Quiz" button and get started! Read the instructions before you start


Each round of the quiz consists of 5 multiple choice questions with only one correct answer. Click on the button left of the options to choose your answer. If you want to skip any question use the Next Question button and revisit the unattempted questions using the Previous Question button. After each question, some trivia facts about that question will be displayed. Take a look at the trivia before moving to the next question. Select the Submit button to end the round. In the end, it will show all the correct answers by green circles, and wrong answers by red circles. Your answer is marked by oval shape green or red color. Click on the Next Round button to move on to the next round.

gmrt  science day 2022

About GMRT Science day

February 28th is celebrated as the National Science Day all over the country, commemorating the discovery of the Raman Effect by C.V. Raman, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. Each year, Science Day is celebrated at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observatory at Khodad. The GMRT, which is the world’s most powerful telescope operating at low radio frequencies, was built and is being operated by the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). Although the prime activity at NCRA and GMRT is to carry out frontline research in radio astronomy and astrophysics, and develop state-of-the-art instrumentation for this purpose, NCRA and GMRT observatory also have programmes to popularise science and technology among the general public, especially the student community.
The first Science Day celebration was held at GMRT in 2002, and now comprises a major component of our outreach programmes. Science Day events are usually spread over two days starting the 28th of February, in order to cater to the tremendous response from the general public, especially the students from the schools and colleges in the rural and semi-urban areas and districts in the western Maharashtra, especially those near the GMRT observatory. It is perhaps one of the largest Science Day events in rural India, with about a hundred schools, colleges, and institutions participating, and over 25000 people visiting the observatory every year during the two-day event.

The programme consists of a grand Science Exhibition, where children from the schools and colleges exhibit their science projects, and prizes are given for the best entries in different age groups. In addition, there are exhibitions illustrating astronomical themes and concepts, exciting results obtained with the GMRT, various subsystems of GMRT and illustrative models. There are also exhibits and live demonstrations from various research institutes and science popularisation groups, as well as teaching institutions such as the University of Pune and various national laboratories. There are also programmes to interact with well-known scientists and engineers and film shows on astronomical topics of current interest.

In 2021, due to the pandemic, the Science Day celebration moved to an online platform. We tried to maintain the character of the programme by partnering with Indian Institute of Knowledge to engage our audience of school and college students using an Android app (Growing Dots). Students were invited to submit short videos describing their projects. These videos were organised into an exhibition and made available online both via an app and a webpage. Prizes were awarded to the winning projects. The webpage also provided interesting information about astronomy, an audio-visual tour of the GMRT, a behind the scenes look at the technology which makes GMRT work and science done with it. Buoyed by the very enthusiastic response last year, the Science Day celebrations this year are being organised along similar lines with even more exciting content. •